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  • Main » 2016 » February » 26 » Betrayal and Humiliation in the Balkans
    2:31 AM
    Betrayal and Humiliation in the Balkans


    Protesters hold a placard reading No to war, no to NATO.

    Betrayal and Humiliation in the Balkans
    Andrew Korybko

    In a display of massive arrogance, the West has grandiosely attacked the pride that many Serbians and Macedonians feel for their countries, possibly heralding a long-awaited turning point where the people finally realize their subservient status under "Euro-Atlanticism" and begin actively pressuring their governments to reject it in full.

    Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia were just globally humiliated by their supposed "Western partners". The US killed two Serbian diplomatic hostages in Libya when it bombed a suspected Daesh hideout last week, with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova claiming that the Pentagon knew that they were there ahead of time and the Serbian Interior Ministry confirming that they died from “strong detonations and bombs”.

    Concerning Macedonia, the EU’s chief “negotiator” there insulted the entire country with a series of disparaging Twitter photos, one of which shows someone ready to shoot a kitten and was aggressively directed against the government.


    Protesters holding a banner that reads: Serbia is not NATO during a protest against NATO in downtown Belgrade, Serbia, Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016

    In response to these provocations, the Serbian people organized a massive anti-NATO rally and the Macedonian government took the principled decision to stop all working contact with Peter Vanhoutte, the "diplomat" at the heart of the latest scandal.


    These reactions symbolized that the regional zeitgeist, deeply ingrained but fiercely suppressed by many of the area's Soros-influenced media outlets, is rapidly rising to the surface of public view and becoming a tangible factor in Balkan geopolitics.

    The Central Balkans are suddenly awakening to the fact that the West absolutely cannot be trusted to deal with them on an equal and respectful footing, and they're beginning to flex their independence by standing up to these recent insults against their countries.

    If the “Weapons of Mass Migration” research that Kelly M. Greenhill, Associate Professor at Tufts University and Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, spearheaded in her 2010 book of the same name is in active practice today, then the Immigrant Crisis might disturbingly end up reversing everything that the Serbian and Macedonian people have bravely fought for thus far and turn their nations into a huge human dumping ground.

    Battleground Balkans

    In order to understand the enormity of what's been happening in the Balkans, one needs to be acquainted with their premier geostrategic importance in the New Cold War.

    Often glossed over as a "has-been" area of importance by most 'analysts' and newsmakers, the Balkans are actually front and center in a competitive tug-of-war between the unipolar and multipolar worlds.

    The US' creeping Euro-Atlantic "institutionalization" (an occupation by any other name) threatens to snuff out any hope that the region ever has for becoming truly sovereign, as Washington envisions it functioning simply as the most geographically convenient access point in connecting the economies of its previous German and Turkish overlords.


    Russia and China have a totally different vision in mind, correctly identifying the Balkans as the backdoor to Europe and anticipating that it could be a multipolar springboard into the heart of the continent.


    Both Great Powers have their own transnational connective infrastructure projects that they're pursuing, with Moscow's being the Turkish/Balkan Stream gas pipeline (temporarily suspended at the moment due to Ankara's anti-Russian aggression) while Beijing's is a high-speed railroad project (which the author terms as the Balkan Silk Road) between Budapest and the Greek port of Piraeus via Belgrade and Skopje.

    Taken together, these plans demonstrate the viability of a prospective Balkan Corridor that could liberate the region from the US' clutches by granting it access to the rest of the world, thereby giving it an alternative future to only being a German-Turkish highway.

    The US is obviously totally opposed to Russia and China's vision for the Balkans, ergo why it's actively trying to destabilize the Central Balkan conduit states of Serbia and Macedonia, the two most vital chokepoints in the entire geopolitical construction.

    Backstabbing And Shamefulness

    Selling Out Serbia:

    The government of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and President Tomislav Nikolic shamefully pushed through the enhanced IPAP cooperation agreement with NATO in the run-up to the latest events, with scarcely a word about this betrayal of the national interest being uttered by the country's leading (Soros-influenced) media.

    Be that as it was, they couldn't hide what they did, nor could they change the population's vivid memories of the suffering that they experienced during the 1999 NATO War on Yugoslavia.


    Many citizens were disgustingly appalled by their leadership's decision to enhance Serbia's "integration" (but officially not yet a formal membership bid) into the exact same military bloc that had earlier wrecked the country and used depleted uranium on its people.


    To add insult to injury, the US killed the two Serbian diplomatic hostages when it bombed Daesh in Libya last Friday, despite being informed in advance by the Serbian government that they were being held at that location and that negotiations were frantically underway to secure their release. This double humiliation was too much for the Serbian people, who took to the streets in the thousands to protest against NATO, asking their government to repeal the IPAP sell-out deal or at the very least put it up for a national referendum. They promised to hold an even bigger follow-up rally if the government doesn't meet their request by 27 March, symbolically choosing that date to coincide with the start of protests that quickly toppled the authorities in 1941 after they signed a cooperation agreement with Nazi Germany.

    Of direct relevance, Vucic surprisingly announced just a few weeks ago that early elections would be held in order to cement his pro-Western policies, so the patriotic anti-NATO protest movement might evolve into a sizeable political force that gives him a run for his money or even reverses his plans.

    Mocking Macedonia:

    Just south of Serbia in the Republic of Macedonia, EU "diplomat" Vanhoutte was long suspected of being a provocateur that was agitating on behalf of the Color Revolution forces and their international patrons, and his latest Twitter antics leave no doubt as to what his intentions were and whose interests he was working for. He purposefully sought to mock the Macedonian government and its people because he was upset at not making any progress in destabilizing them.

    The ruling VMRO party promptly stood up to this wannbe bully from Brussels by cutting off all professional ties with him and officially declaring that they now regard the man as nothing more than a random "tourist" who's just passing through their country.

    Vanhoutte and his handler, US Ambassador Jess Bailey, had earlier told the government that it must reject the very same crisis resolution document that it had been pressured to sign last summer and forgo holding early elections in April like was originally planned.

    As a reminder, the US had engineered a political scandal in Macedonia by illegally wiretapping many of its citizens and notable personalities and then giving the recordings to their proxy Zoran Zaev. He, in turn, falsely alleged that "inside sources" provided the tapes to him as "evidence" of "government wrongdoing" and tried to use this stunt to provoke a Color Revolution. The plot would have succeeded had it not been for the patriotic citizenry rising up in opposition to it in mid-May, right after the security services disbanded an Albanian-affiliated terrorist cell that intended to coordinate its attacks with the "opposition".

    Bright Hopes, Big Risks


    The future of the Central Balkans looks bright, considering that the Serbian people have now awakened and the Macedonian government is more assuredly expressing its independent sovereignty, but the Immigrant Crisis might throw that all in jeopardy.



    Serbs have finally had enough of their government's flirtation with NATO and are now determined to snap their leaders out of the US-inflicted "Stockholm Syndrome" that they're under.

    The recent events have really hit a nerve in the country's collective consciousness, and the population is now visibly much more aware of the detriments of Euro-Atlantic "integration" and the merits of multipolar cooperation with Russia and China.


    Truth be told, Macedonia doesn't need an international "mediator" to solve its domestic issue, but this role simply functions as a vehicle for conveying messages between the government and the Color Revolution's true American patron.

    If anything, it would make a lot more sense to have Russia, not the EU, fulfill this task, as that would appropriately frame the problem in its proper New Cold War context and assure that this neutral position isn't abused to further the regime change scenario.

    Immigrant Instability:

    Everyone expect that the spring season will see a huge influx of immigrants entering the Balkans en route to Western and Northern Europe, and this could coincide with the early Macedonian elections and their Serbian counterparts. Immigrants are the last issue that either country wants to worry about now, be it in facilitating their safe transit, caring for those that remain in-country, kicking out welfare exploiters, and guarding against terrorist infiltrators.

    The oncoming immigrant wave will be a massive disruption to the fragile socio-political fabric of these two countries, already vulnerable to destabilization because of the US' existing unipolar intrigues against them.

    The chain reaction that is expected to be set off as 'downstream' countries such as Austria continue tightening their border security could conceivably result in tens of thousands of civilizationally dissimilar immigrants stranded in Serbia and Macedonia right on the eve of their elections, heavily distraught and ready to make a provocative and public scene about their plight.

    Nobody knows what would happen next, but it's a safe bet that whatever scenarios transpire will play directly into the hands of the US' unipolar strategy and further disrupt Russia and China's multipolar projects in the Balkans.

    Извор: “Sputnik“

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