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    4:42 AM


    For a week now, the world has been attentively watching as scandalous revelations that were made by the representatives of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) unfold. As we wrote earlier, this organization is closely connected to the US government and the Soros Foundation, which funded the ICIJ. Moreover, earlier this organization was used by Soros to settle scores with his economic and political rivals. At this time, the political nature of the leak is also evident: a strike against all the enemies of the liberal-left Soros, ranging from Vladimir Putin, and ending with David Cameron. However, there is one more aspect of the problem.

    The long-standing war with the Rothschilds

    The Investigation into Mossack Fonseca's activity is a continuation of the anti-offshore campaign that ICIJ began in 2013. Then, unknown persons allegedly handed over 260 gigabytes of data regarding the ownership of secret offshore bank accounts to ICIJ director Gerard Ryle. ICIJ published the Offshore leaks, comprising tens of thousands of offshore bank accounts, in which many prominent international figures were implicated, including Baron Elie de Rothschild, the head of French branch of Rothschild dynasty.

    Clans of Rothschild, Sachs, Thyssens and Safra, closely associated with the Rothschild family, were the focus of ICIJ Swiss Leaks in 2013. Then the data of a number of Swiss lawyers and trusts was declassified. "They helped clients all over the world establish offshore firms and trusts to protect their assets from tax collectors or over-zealous heirs". 

    The publication of the so-called Luxembourg leaks was also aimed against the ruling family of Luxembourg, also related to the Rothschilds.

    Today, one of companies affected is Rothschild Trust, which managed the assets of some key world politicians in offshore locations. For example, it was revealed that Rothschild Trust, a branch of Rothschild Wealth Management & Trust, manages the assets of Ukrainian oligarch President Poroshenko on the British Virgin Islands. Among ten banks that requested the most offshore companies for clients, Rothschild Trust Guernsey is visible. One of the top politicians in the scandal, British Prime-Minister David Cameron, is said to have close relations with British branch of Rothschild family. Very interesting coincidence. Did you get it?

    The example of Poroshenko is  very revealing. It demonstrates that it is not just about avoiding taxes, but a ploy to control the assets of national elites by the transnational owner of money, which is consequently a ploy to control the national elites themselves.

    Rothschild and partners

    In the case of Poroshenko everything is clear, but let's take a closer look at the list of ten banks, which according to disclosed information, use offshore companies to hide money. Besides the already mentioned Rothschild Trust Guernsey, it includes Experta Corporate & Trust Services, Banque J. Safra Sarasin Luxembourg SA, Credit Suisse Channel Islands Ltd, HSBC Private Bank (Monaco) SA, HSBC Private Bank (Swiss) SA, UBS AG, (Union Bank of Switzerland), Coutts & Co. Trustees (Jersey) Ltd, Societe Generale Bank & Trust Luxembourg, Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A., liquidated in 1993.

    What do we know about each of these banks?

    1. Experta Corporate & Trust Services - a subsidiary of Banque Internationale a Luxembourg S.A, It is a bank of the ruling house of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which is closely associated with the French Rothschilds.
    2. Banque J. Safra Sarasin Luxembourg S.A - belongs to the Jewish banker Safra family. These bankers are closely related to the Rothschilds since the 19th century.
    3. Credit Suisse Channel Islands Ltd is a subsidiary bank of the second largest Swiss bank, Credit Suisse.
    4. HSBC Private Bank (Monaco) S.A, HSBC Private Bank (Swiss) are subsidiaries of HSBC Bank, the British bank founded in the mid-19th century. Since that time they have been a Rothschild partner. It was founded as a money depository from the sale of opium in China. Also under the Rothschild's control is the London Bullion Association, which defines the international price of gold. HSBC is a member of this gold cartel.
    5. UBS AG, (Union Bank of Switzerland) is the the largest bank in Switzerland.
    6. Coutts & Co. Trustees (Jersey) Ltd - a subsidiary bank of Coutts & Co which was until 2015, wholly owned by The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (itself 79% owned by UK Financial Investments, an investment arm of the British government.) It is one of the oldest banks in the world, the bank trusted by the British royal family.
    7. Societe Generale Bank & Trust Luxembourg is a subsidiary bank of Societe Generale, Member of the Rothschilds London Bullion Association. One of the largest French banks, founded with the direct involvement of the French Rothschilds.
    8. Landsbanki Luxembourg is a Luxembourg bank, a unit of Iceland's oldest bank Landsbanki

    So we have a group of banks, most of which are related to the Rothschild family. Most likely the rest are related to this clan, there are Rothschild’s partners in Switzerland and Luxembourg. They offshored their clients' money, and also received possession and authority over the funds of giant part of world elite through the Mossack Fonseca firm.

    Mossack Fonseca - guardian of the Rothschilds?

    Let us now look at Mossack Fonseca itself. According to the official story, two private individuals, and a Panamanian citizen, founded the private company in which there are just over 500 employees, registering new company offices worldwide in 40 locations, the key of which except Panama are in Switzerland and China (by surprising coincidence in the same locations as Rothschild headquarters). Naturally, this financial octopus could not emerge without the strong support of major players. And once Mossack Fonseca pumps mainly money from banks associated with the Rothschilds, it is not difficult to guess who really stand behind the company.

    Independent American analyst Dean Henderson writes about the founders of the company Mossack Fonseca:

    Both are members of the fair-skinned Panamanian elite which have historically served British Crown / Rothschild interests.

    Both are closely linked to the United Kingdom, that is, with the Rothschilds:

    Mossack Fonseca was launched in 1986 by London School of Economics graduate Ramon Fonseca and German-born Jurgen Mossack, who also spent time working in London's banking circles. Mossack served on Conarex - the Panama branch of the Crown-controlled Royal Institute of International Affairs ( RIIF) from 2009-2014.

    Against the Rothschilds and China

    In early 2014 the ICIJ revealed as part of their "Offshore Leaks" that relatives of China's political and financial elite were among those using offshore tax havens to store wealth. In 2016 the Panama Papers was a promulgation of the ongoing information war against China.
    The publication of the Panama Papers are directed personally against the current leader of China's Xi Jinping. The Panama Papers supposedly demonstrate that:

    Xi Jinping, China's "Chairman of Everything," - his titles include president, Communist Party chief and military chief - has a brother-in-law who has had companies in tax havens. Relatives of at least seven other men who have served on the tiny Standing Committee - including two members currently serving with Xi - also have offshore holdings, the records show.

    The Rothschilds now count on China against other factions of the global financial elite, primarily the Rockefellers in US. The theory is very popular among conspiracy theory proponents. From Panama Papers revelations we see that there is an subject in global elite that works against Rothschilds. Let’s call it “Rockefellers, this hypothesis has some proof. If one group, “Rothschilds” is ready to abandon the USA and dollar and shift to Asia, another - like Rockefeller family  - is closely related to the USA

    The Rothschilds encourage China's intention to make the yuan a global currency and, according to the Russian economist Valentin Katasonov, are pushing China to move to the "gold standard", as they themselves control the majority of the world's gold reserves.
    Great Britain, controlled by the Rothschilds, is actively cooperating with China, as a member of the Chinese Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. And the British made the decision to join the Chinese Project in spite of negative US position.

    Pseudo-multipolarity of Rothschilds

    Thus the Rothschild group is working for the replacement of dollar hegemony by their own control over the gold. This suggests the idea of several independent foreign exchange centers, which stings the US and the Rockefeller group opposition, seeking to maintain an ongoing system of American hegemony. It is noteworthy that in addition to the activities of Soros, the Rockefellers also fund the ICIJ, which continues anti-Rothschild campaign. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is a project of the American non-governmental organization Center for Public Integrity that receives money from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller Family Fund.

    The entrance of George Soros in 2015 in  the war against the yuan demonstrated that he finally chose his side in this dispute, although earlier he was considered to be a man of the Rothschilds. This is why his journalists are attacking the offshore system created by the Rothschilds as well as China.

    The Rothschild strategy towards Russia is also not a confrontational one. Unlike Soros, who perceives multipolarity to be a threat to the "open society", the Rothschilds, and their close circles are interested in the Russian engagement of the projects to reformat the existing world order and have close links with the part of the Russian elite. The exposure of 2 billion of Russian money in this scheme that are attributed by Soros and his journalists to Mr. Putin was aimed against this group. This does not mean that the Rothschilds and the like are proponents of a multipolar world. Rather, they want to take advantage of the inevitable transition to a multipolar order to maintain their status and a decisive influence on world affairs. Feeling the rise of Asia, they are betting on this new center of power. But such a "multi-polarity" does not lead to a real civilizational sovereignty as real power remains in the hands of a global supranational world elite.

    In anticipation of retaliation

    The Panama Papers is an episode in the struggle of the world elite. Each of the groups differently views the future of the world and each is committed to world domination. Control of assets in the form of control over offshore companies - one of the mechanisms of how the interaction of one of the groups of transnational elites with national elites is facilitated. That is why you will not find in the documents the names of those who collaborated with the opposing team. This is also because there are so many politicians from the former British colonies or the Arab monarchies of the Middle East that have historically strong ties with the UK and the Rothschild banking house. Opponents of the Rothschilds, revealing the mechanism of their control over their politicians’ money, made their move. Let’s wait for a response.

    Извор: “katehon.mk“

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