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  • Main » 2016 » July » 7 » Russian Foreign Ministry sees preparations for 'color revolution' in Macedonia
    4:07 PM
    Russian Foreign Ministry sees preparations for 'color revolution' in Macedonia

    Russian Foreign Ministry sees preparations for 'color revolution' in Macedonia

    ARTEK (Yalta), July 7. /TASS/. Demonstrations of opposition forces in Macedonia that started in spring serve as evidence that grounds are being prepared for another "color revolution" on the Balkans, Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

    "Grounds are being prepared to provoke another ‘color revolution’, this time in Macedonia," Zakharova said. "We state that the practice of non-interference into internal affairs has deeply rooted on the Balkans," she added.

    With this aim, "well practised schemes of aggressive minority paid for from abroad are used," she noted.

    Mass demonstrations in the Macedonian capital of Skopje started on April 12, when the president signed a decree on terminating investigations against several current and former officials who allegedly were involved in organizing mass telephone tapping.

    Извор: “TASS“


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