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    1:56 AM


    Youssef A. Khaddour

    Some voices are rising today in our region because of the failure of the agreement between Russia and Turkey to flush out militants from Aleppo. These voices are asking for more attention to be paid to the nature of these terrorists who profess the Wahhabi ideology (or the brotherhood ideology). This Ideology depends on lying and, any time it is possible, benefitting from whatever pledges and commitments are made or broken.

    In this article, I want to focus not only on that matter, but also on the new situation which the victory in Aleppo has made, and the result of this victory in the region and in the word.

    Russia has gained great experience from all the details concerning the Syrian crisis and knows very well the nature of such ideologies and knows also very clearly the supporters who provide the terrorists with financial and logistical support.

    Russia is now leading a new axis with new values which preserves international law as a means for preserving interests. Russia has paid in blood for preserving its values and its interests. Today, as a superpower it represents the interests of all nations who want to live in peace under the umbrella of international law.

    To understand the value of the victory in Aleppo, we have to understand and remember some facts related to the Syrian crisis:

    • Aleppo is the economic capital of Syria and the biggest city in Syria after Damascus. The armed presence in Aleppo was very diverse and under many names, many of whom were supported by regional and foreign countries. The Al-Nusra Front was the main faction in Aleppo, But the international media focused on other factions backed by the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, and called them "moderate factions". Because these "moderate factions" were not strong enough to achieve victory in Aleppo, international and regional actors did not work to separate them from the Al-Nusra Front. The possibility of achieving victory in Aleppo to help them to realize their project of weakening Syria and dividing it later was thus bet on supporting Al-Nusra.

    • The situation posed by the high density of population and the urban makeup of Aleppo was an important factor in favor of the terrorists, which could be exploited by the countries supporting the militants to defend them under the slogan of human rights. This battle in Aleppo was therefore the decisive battle in Syria, because the militants could exploit civilians and prevent the Syrian army and its allies from work and using their destructive capabilities. This made victory very difficult for them, unlike in other areas where the Syrian army and other allies could use their firepower to strike more easily.

    • This agreement will accomplish, through its implementation, the separation process of the "moderate factions" from the terrorist factions. No one can claim that the militants in Palmyra and Al-Raqqa and in most other areas of Syria are ”moderate factions", and will not be betting on the possibility of them claiming victory in the upcoming battles after losing the most difficult and complicated battle in Aleppo.

    After the militants’ loss of Aleppo, the great project of partitioning Syria is starting to fail. Many parties will begin to change their own walking directions. It is still possible to derive some benefits if they change the direction, but staying in the old way of thinking and behaving makes them lose more and perhaps everything. Therefore, we will see in the next weeks and months the following scenarios:

    • We will hear more about pragmatic scenarios that include the survival of Al-Assad and the national unity government in Syria.

    • Talks with the Syrian opposition will be launched, in different shapes and places, to start a political process to resolve the Syrian crisis. The process will not be short to reach a solution, but a distance of a thousand miles begins with one step, as the popular saying goes.

    • Turkey will begin to fulfill its obligations with both Moscow and Tehran and end the swing period after the end of any hope for a victory of the militants in Aleppo. It will work more seriously with the "new allies" in Moscow and Tehran and will begin a new phase of participation to gain as much as possible in the last minute.

    • The famous Russian-American agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Syria and the separation of the moderate opposition may come back to life again.


    The victory over terrorism in Aleppo is not just a victory in a small and simple battle. No battle in the First or Second World War lasted so long as the battle for Aleppo.

    This is a major turning point in modern history. If the opposite happened, this would have affected the entire world and divided the region, changing the course of the whole global crisis.

    History will not forget those terrorists and their ideology used as a tool to achieve major plans of world domination through the dissemination of chaos across the globe. History will also not forget that those terrorists have destroyed a beautiful country like Syria, which has one of the greatest and oldest civilizations in history. History is once again being written with the blood of resistance fighters and the values of those who claimed a victory of values in Aleppo.

    Извор: “Katehon“

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