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  • Main » 2016 » December » 21 » Shoigu: Russia, Turkey and Iran are ready to act as guarantors of the settlement in Syria
    11:56 PM
    Shoigu: Russia, Turkey and Iran are ready to act as guarantors of the settlement in Syria

    Shoigu: Russia, Turkey and Iran are ready to act as guarantors of the settlement in Syria

    December 20th, 2016 - Fort Russ News - 
    - RT Russia and other media - translated and collated by J. Flores - 

    Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu weighed in on the text of the Moscow Declaration on the steps to resolve the Syrian crisis. He also noted that Russia, Iran and Turkey are ready to become its guarantors.
    "Approval of the declaration at the level of Foreign Affairs Ministers and Ministers of Defence provides our willingness to act as guarantors and jointly solve urgent issues of the Syrian settlement. Therefore, we support the adoption of the declaration, "- RIA Novosti quoted Shoigu as saying today.
    He also noted that all previous attempts of joint action that have made the United States and their partners, "doomed to failure."
    The Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Iran and Turkey are taking note of the invitation of Kazakh President to hold talks in Astana, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday.
    "Ministers take seriously the kind invitation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave to conduct appropriate meetings for negotiations (on Syria) in Astana", - Lavrov said at a press conference after a trilateral meeting with the heads of the Iranian Foreign Ministry and Turkey.
    Извор: “Fort Russ“
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