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  • Main » 2016 » June » 27

    СИТЕ ЌЕ СИ „ЛЕГНАТ НА БРАШНО“: Ердоган му се извини на Путин поради соборувањето и убивањето на руски пилот!

    „Ние никогаш сме немале желба или намера да собориме авион кој припаѓа на Русија“ – пишува Ердоган во писмо адресирано до неговиот Руски колега Владимир Путин

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    Views: 230 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (1)

    Додека Македонија да влезе во ЕУ сите ќе излезат – ШТО ЌЕ НИ Е ?!


    Одлуката на Британија да ја напушти ЕУ покрена домино ефект во неколку европски држави како Италија, Франција и Холандија каде десничарски партии и евроскептици веднаш излегоа со барања за референдуми и во нивните држави.

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    Views: 212 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (1)

    ALEX GORKA-Syria: Aleppo Cease-fire on Brink of Collapse

    Syria: Aleppo Cease-fire on Brink of Collapse

    General Valery Gerasimov, the chief of Russian General Staff, said that Russia’s patience is waning over the situation in Syria. According to him, Russia was in full compliance with its obligations to maintain cease-fire and ensure national reconciliation ... Read more »

    Views: 251 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (0)

    FINIAN CUNNINGHAM-Brexit Shatters EU and Its Washington Bond

    Brexit Shatters EU and Its Washington Bond

    The British rejection of European Union membership came like a brick slamming into a pane of glass. The impact has stunned observers, radiated shockwaves and suddenly thrown up an arresting vista of cracks and jagged shards.

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    Views: 223 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (1)

    The Brexit Vote

    The Brexit Vote

    Paul Craig ROBERTS - Former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration

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    Views: 181 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (1)


    Alexander Dugin

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    Views: 186 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (0)

    PEPE ESCOBAR-Bilderberg Seen Through the Looking Glass

    Bilderberg Seen Through the Looking Glass

    So the annual Bilderberg meeting placidly came and went behind heavily secured doors (and fence) at the Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski in Dresden – conveniently upstaged by the murky story of a US-born Muslim and registered Democrat, with a steady job in global security firm 4GS and no previous criminal record, suddenly converting into an alleged Daesh-inspired urban jihadi unleashing hell on LGBT targets.

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    Views: 250 | Added by: Вељанко | Date: 2016-06-27 | Comments (0)

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